Allison W.
“The power of resilience. Resilience is about facing challenges with strength and perseverance while finding ways to adapt... " Read Allison’s story.

Desmond A.
“The most important part of your story is how you rise from adversity. This lesson has allowed me to pick up myself and keep going...” Read Desmond’s story.

Hadi K.
“To be resilient, no matter what. When I started university, both of my parents were suddenly diagnosed with cancer...” Read Hadi’s story.

Hailey L.
“The greatest life lesson that has helped me arrive where I am today is resilience. Without resilience, I never would've persevered through the struggles associated with grief…” Read Hailey’s story.

Irene C.
“Losing my dad to suicide helped me to recognize the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding mental health, while losing my mom solidified that life is short.…” Read Irene’s story.

Jordan F.
“My parents personal battles with mental illness taught me that to stay resilient in the face of adversity, you must life live in abundance, taking nothing for granted…” Read Jordan’s story.

Josh J.
“My experience losing my father taught me so much, however the lesson that sticks with me the most is that you never know what struggles someone is facing behind closed doors… “Read Josh’s story.

Kaj U.
“My greatness life lesson is to follow in my fathers footsteps and provide for my family but also to make sure they're protected even if I'm not there...” Read Kaj’s story

Layla S.
“My greatest life lesson is to be able to support yourself without relying on others, financially and personally, because there are no guarantees in life...” Read Layla’s story

Salma G.
“Losing my father at fourteen taught me that life is short, driving me to maximize every opportunity before it is too late. This ongoing dedication led to my current academic, work and extracurricular success...” Read Salma’s story