Your mental wellness resource

Understanding mental health

“How are you feeling?” “I’m feeling fine.” Does this question-and-answer sound familiar? Are you having a bad day at work due to stress, or might there be more going on? It can be challenging to know because assessing mental health is not an easy task. Statistics tell us one in three Canadians will face a serious mental health issue – like depression or anxiety – during their lifetime.1 But circumstances and stigma prevent many from reaching out for help.

What is stigma?

The word ‘stigma’ comes from ancient times. It’s generally associated with feelings of shame, and describes what happens when negative stereotypes or beliefs about others are imposed on a particular person or group of people.

In relation to mental health concerns and mental illness, stigma can be very serious. It can prevent a person from reaching out for help when they need it most, for fear of what others may think about them.

Learn more about stigma

Mental health conditions and concerns

If you – or someone you know – are experiencing symptoms that could be related to a mental health condition or concern, it’s important to remember you’re not alone. One in three Canadians will face a serious mental health issue during their lifetime.1

Read on to learn more about certain mental health challenges, symptoms, and treatment options. This series, created by Manulife’s mental health specialist and partners, provides information about different mental health conditions.


Common symptoms of anxiety may include excessive worry, restlessness, irritability, nervousness or fatigue.


Depression is characterized by persistent low mood that impacts how a person feels in a negative way.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder (formerly called manic-depression) is a mental illness that causes extreme shifts in mood.

Resilience and mental health

Resilience is a person’s ability to recover from life’s difficulties and stressors. It’s the ability to be strong and adaptable after something negative happens.

Many different resources can help build resilience, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) publishes resources, such as their Catalyst blog, which posts recovery-oriented information and personal accounts. Resources like these can help a person develop strategies for staying strong, optimistic and well.

Prevention and staying mentally healthy

Maintaining mental health is an ongoing process. Following a health care provider’s advice is one step. Changes to a treatment plan should only be made in consultation with your health care provider. But there are steps one can take to preserve one’s mental health.

Learn more

Treatment and support

Most mental illnesses and mental health concerns can be treated effectively. They have a high rate of recovery among those who access the appropriate care as soon as possible. The road to feeling well and living a fulfilling life starts with acknowledging that sometimes one needs help. It’s important to identify that moment – and take action.

Therapy, self-care and medication

Mental health care professionals can provide therapy through different approaches, as well as suggestions for self-care.

Workplace support

The workplace can be a strong contributor to mental wellbeing. It provides us an opportunity to feel productive, and strive to fulfill our potential.

Featured videos

Understanding mental health

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Living with mental illness

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Mental health articles

If you (or someone you know) are not feeling like yourself, or if you feel you’re losing the ability to enjoy and cope with life, the articles below may provide helpful insights or links to further resources.

Three tips for tackling worry

MindBeacon recommends three key tactics to reduce daily worrying.

Creating healthy sleep habits through pandemic-related changes

MindBeacon recommends these tips to keep your sleep on track.

Loneliness and isolation

Coping with loneliness and isolation is not always easy.