Take the mystery out of insurance

Ever wanted to know how insurance works? Wondered about the difference between a premium and a benefit? Between Term and Permanent life insurance? Or what an insurance advisor does? You’ll find answers here. Browse these easy-to-follow videos to get a quick overview of the insurance options available and how each can help.

Insurance basics

Insurance 101

Get a look inside the world of insurance and learn how insurance companies can provide protections against life uncertainties.

Insurance advisors

You don’t have to figure it all out by yourself. Insurance advisors are here to help.

Insurance claims

Find out everything you need to know about insurance claims.

Life insurance

Life insurance

Discover how life insurance works and how you can use it to help protect your loved ones.

Term life insurance

Looking for an affordable way to protect your family over a certain period of time? That’s what term life is for.

Permanent life insurance

Go for the long haul on protection for your loved ones with life insurance that lasts your whole lifetime.

Living benefits

Living benefits

Insurance isn’t just about the people you leave behind. Living benefits are meant to help you when illness or disability strikes.

Critical illness insurance

Critical illness insurance can make a difference with a lump-sum payment to help your recovery.

Disability insurance

An accident or illness doesn’t have to mean a total change of lifestyle. Disability insurance can help keep you keeping on.

More insurance topics

Health and dental insurance

You might have provincial coverage, but what about all those extra health expenses? That’s where health and dental coverage comes in.

Travel insurance

No one wants an accident or illness while traveling. Bring back memories and not medical bills with travel insurance.

Mortgage protection insurance

Keep those house payments coming even if something happens to you. That’s what mortgage protection is all about.

Start your journey

Get started with some tips on insurance and find out how to get it and how to make it work for you.

Going through a life milestone?

As your life changes, your insurance needs may change as well. Getting married? Having a child? Changing career? See what type of insurance may be right for you.