Healthcare Online

Helping Canadians get the care they need when they need it, where they need it

Studies indicate that 68% of Canadians have skipped a doctor’s appointment or avoided seeing their doctor altogether1. This may be due to long wait times or the inability to book appointments outside of working hours1. As a result many may delay getting help, or get no treatment at all, for their health concerns. And when members are unwell, they are less likely to bring their best to work. 

Our solution

Healthcare Online gives plan members online, on-demand access to healthcare professionals who support primary care, mental health, and other wellness needs. Members can get the care they need, when they need it, so they can bring their best to work.

Members can use the mobile or web app for many of the concerns that would otherwise take them to a doctor’s office2, including:



Mental Health

Prescriptions (new & renewals)

Lab and imaging orders

Specialist referrals

TELUS Health’s healthcare professionals can resolve over 80% of concerns without the need for an in-person visit2. This means members can save the time and stress associated with making appointments. So, they can get better and back to work sooner.

Healthcare Online is delivered via the TELUS Health Virtual Care App. Offering 24/7 on-demand access to health practitioners via secure text, video and chat, TELUS Health Virtual Care is available across Canada with services in English and French.

The TELUS Health Virtual Care app is the product of innovative research and development since 2015 - delivering a new way to seek care that works in tandem with the Canadian healthcare system.


We make implementation easy

We make setting up Healthcare Online easy. We fully support getting employees set up and automatically manage billing and ongoing eligibility – without sharing any of your member files with TELUS Health. As soon as you are ready to get started, we’ll add a link on your member site and provide the promo material you need to get your members signed up.

Supporting member mental health

Mental health is one of the top five reasons members use the app2. TELUS Health offers first line mental health counselling and medical assistance through their nurse practitioners. Nurse practitioners are supported by in-house psychiatric consults when managing complex cases. They also help members take the next step in their mental health recovery. This includes making referrals to specialists and recommendations for other support tools which may be covered by their benefits.

Ensuring data privacy and security

TELUS Health is committed to protecting privacy and personal health information by complying with all federal and provincial rules covering personal health information collection, use and disclosure. All personal health information is encrypted and stored in a SOC 2-compliant, Canadian data centre. TELUS Health routinely performs third-party testing and threat risk assessments to ensure that their security practices are up-to-date and effective.


We offer quarterly reporting so sponsors can see how Healthcare Online is working in their organization. We report on uptake with metrics on registration, usage and satisfaction rating. Any program data shared with Manulife and plan sponsors will always be aggregated at the Manulife block level3, and de-personalized to protect and maintain members’ confidential health data.


Healthcare Online is available to groups of all sizes with coverage at the group or division level.

Healthcare Online provides coverage for eligible family members, including the plan member, a spouse and dependent children under 26.

Get started

Speak to your Manulife representative to discuss group benefit plan options to help meet your business needs.

1 IPSOS (2017), Seven in Ten Canadians (68%) Have Skipped Seeing a Doctor
2 TELUS Health Data (2019)
3 Some groups may get reporting on the sponsor level depending on the size and demographics of their member group.