Sometimes it can be helpful to get information that is relevant to who you are and where you are in life. The "People like you" tool provides a variety of scenarios to help you think about different options you might want to consider now, or in the future, when it comes to Life Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance.

Interacting with the "People like you" tool

You can use this tool at any time to explore scenarios you identify with and get quick and relevant examples of what people like you might purchase. This allows you to:

  • Relate to different kinds of scenarios and consider what coverage is right for you
  • Increase your knowledge and validate what you are thinking


In yours 20s

You are just starting to think about what coverage is right for you.

An independent single adult

You aren't sure if there is a reason for you to get coverage.

A single parent

You are, or could be, a single parent with one or more children.

Life events

Managing multiple large expenses

You are currently managing a number of large expenses or expect to soon.

Starting a new job

You are about to start a new job or have a position change at work.

Buying a home

You are about to purchase a new home either on your own or with a spouse/partner.

Getting married

You are getting married and/or planning for your future with someone.

Planning for your first child

You are getting ready to welcome your first child into your family.

Planning to grow your family

You and your spouse/partner are planning to have more than one child.

Planning to care for a family member

You are planning on caring for a sick or elderly family member in the future.

Concerned about a potential illness

You are concerned that you or someone in your family might get a serious illness.

The death or illness of a loved one

You recently experienced the death or terminal diagnosis of a loved one.

Get more information

Find the support you need

Group Benefits support
Visit the Plan Member site by signing in with your Manulife ID to review your benefits plan and get more information and support options.

Individual Insurance support
You can reach out to Manulife CoverMe® to get additional information and support.