Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship Program

Decide what's next for you with the $10,000 award

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Are you ready to re-imagine your future?

It takes incredible bravery and determination to pursue post-secondary education in the face of adversity – especially for students impacted by the loss of a parent or guardian with little to no life insurance coverage. 

That's why we created the Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship Program to help students aged 17 to 24 who have lost a parent or legal guardian with little or no life insurance to pursue their post-secondary education.

The application deadline is March 31, 2025. See the eligibility criteria below.

What is the Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship program?

Manulife has introduced the first Life Lessons Scholarship Program in Canada, for students who’ve experienced the death of a parent or guardian with little to no life insurance.

Each $10,000 scholarship helps combat the financial burden of paying for post-secondary education during an emotional time and recognizes the perseverance that so many youth show in such adversity.

The Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship Program is committed to student success and helps support students financially, making the decision to attend and finish a college, university or trade school program a little easier.

Hadi K. | 2024 Scholarship Achiever

Paul Savage, Manulife’s Head of Individual Insurance sat down for a conversation with Hadi K., one of the 2024 Life Lessons Scholarship Achievers

“I can't even begin to describe how life changing this scholarship is. It has given me the ability to challenge, to dream bigger and it's much more than a financial reward.” His story is a source of inspirational resilience and has moved all of us at Manulife. Watch now to learn more about what Hadi has to say about the scholarship, his journey, and the importance of being prepared for the unexpected.

Criteria and application

Before applying to the Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship Program there are a few things to note. Please see below for a list of common questions and answers.

Students currently enrolled in or have been accepted to a college, university or trade school within Canada and will be attending full-time post-secondary in September and:

  • are a permanent resident of Canada;
  • are between 17 and 24 years of age at the time of application; and
  • have experienced the death of a parent or legal guardian who had little or no life insurance coverage

In addition to some basic information, you will need to submit a 500 word-essay OR a 3-minute video about how the death of your parent or guardian has affected your life financially and emotionally (the “Entry”). It can be difficult to share such a personal experience. To assist in the process applicants’ surviving parent or legal guardian are welcome to create the Entry on their behalf. The Entry and any accompanying recordings, pictures, videos or images (“Recordings”) must be prepared by you or on your behalf and with your authorization by your surviving parent or legal guardian.  It’s helpful to note how the loss of a parent/guardian has impacted your post-secondary education plans, your family’s financial situation and how you’ve been working hard to stay on track to attend your post-secondary program during this time. Please note, essays exceeding 500 words or videos longer than three minutes will automatically be disqualified. For any Entry prepared on your behalf, you must obtain the appropriate consent for its use in support of your Entry.  The creator of any Entry submitted on your behalf may be asked to sign a consent form allowing Manulife to use and disclose the Entry and/or any Recording.

Before you apply, be sure to read the full Rules and Regulations to ensure you’re eligible for the Manulife Life Scholarship Program.

Manulife will award scholarships in the amount of $10,000 each annually to successful applicants. Please see the full rules and regulations for more information.

Recipient names and stories will be shared in August.

Scholarship money will be issued directly to students in July, available for the start of the September 2025 semester. Please see the full rules and regulations for more information

If you can’t find your answer or have additional questions, please email


Congratulations to the 2024 Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship Recipients

The Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship Program recipients are more than recipients. They’re students who’ve already achieved so much, even if the face of adversity. These students demonstrate the emotional and financial impact of losing a parent or guardian and the perseverance to carry through their post-secondary goals. They emphasize the importance of financial planning and remind us why we all need life insurance.

Photo of Allison W.

Allison W.

“The power of resilience. Resilience is about facing challenges with strength and perseverance while finding ways to adapt... " Read Allison’s story.

Photo of Desmond A.

Desmond A.

“The most important part of your story is how you rise from adversity. This lesson has allowed me to pick up myself and keep going...” Read Desmond’s story.

Photo of Hadi K.

Hadi K.

“To be resilient, no matter what. When I started university, both of my parents were suddenly diagnosed with cancer...” Read Hadi’s story.

Photo of Hailey L.

Hailey L.

“The greatest life lesson that has helped me arrive where I am today is resilience. Without resilience, I never would've persevered through the struggles associated with grief…” Read Hailey’s story.

Photo of Irene C.

Irene C.

“Losing my dad to suicide helped me to recognize the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding mental health, while losing my mom solidified that life is short.…” Read Irene’s story.

Photo of Jordan F.

Jordan F.

“My parents personal battles with mental illness taught me that to stay resilient in the face of adversity, you must life live in abundance, taking nothing for granted…” Read Jordan’s story.

Photo of Josh J.

Josh J.

“My experience losing my father taught me so much, however the lesson that sticks with me the most is that you never know what struggles someone is facing behind closed doors… “Read Josh’s story.

Photo of Kaj U.

Kaj U.

“My greatness life lesson is to follow in my fathers footsteps and provide for my family but also to make sure they're protected even if I'm not there...” Read Kaj’s story

Photo of Layla S.

Layla S.

“My greatest life lesson is to be able to support yourself without relying on others, financially and personally, because there are no guarantees in life...” Read Layla’s story

Photo of Salma G.

Salma G.

“Losing my father at fourteen taught me that life is short, driving me to maximize every opportunity before it is too late. This ongoing dedication led to my current academic, work and extracurricular success...” Read Salma’s story

Rules and regulations

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