Now that’s a resolution that’s easy to keep!

January 10, 2023

For business owners, plan sponsors and administrators

Share this “Wellness on a budget” series of articles with your plan members. We can’t control the economy or the rising cost of living, but there are ways to maintain health, wellness, and nutrition during tough economic times.

I want to learn how to live big on a small budget. Now that’s a resolution that’s easy to keep!

It’s a ritual for many of us. We ring in the New Year, wake up the next day and make all kinds of resolutions. Lose weight, eat better, stop smoking, to name just a few. But the truth is, almost 90% of us don’t actually keep any of the resolutions we make.1

We can help. Our new Wellness on a budget series can help you keep your New Year’s resolutions. The articles offer helpful tips on how to eat better, exercise more, and live big, all while helping to keep costs down (even while prices seem to be rising!).

In the meantime, if you want to set goals you can keep, here are some tips.

  1. Make your goal realistic. Losing 20 lbs in a month is not realistic – and not healthy! Set a goal you can accomplish.
  2. Create a plan. Write down your goal and what you’re going to do to reach it. Consider the obstacles you might face and have strategies to overcome those obstacles.
  3. Reward yourself. Set milestones along your journey. When you reach a milestone, give yourself a treat to say “good job.” For example, if your goal is to quit smoking, after 5 successful days, buy yourself a new book to read as a reward.
  4. Keep track. Seeing your progress in print is a great motivator.

Let’s make 2023 a great year by living well and living healthy. Check back soon for a new post in our Wellness on a Budget series.

1; Studies show 91 percent of us won’t achieve our new year’s resolutions. How to be the 9 percent that do; Schwantes, Marcel. January 8, 2022

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