Group retirement services

Solutions to support your group plan

You want to support your plan members in building their savings for retirement while setting up your plan with investment advice and solutions you can trust for your business.


Your business will benefit from solutions to help manage your group plan:

  • Multi-manager Investment Platform
  • i-Watch®—our formal fund and fund manager selection and monitoring process

Your plan members will benefit from a customized mix of investment solutions to suit all levels of investment expertise, including:

  • Guaranteed Funds
  • Asset Allocation Funds
  • Retirement Date Funds
  • Avenue Portfolios
  • Market-based Funds

Plan details

Multi-manager Investment Platform

  • Offers plan members a variety of investment options and allows the Plan to qualify for Manulife’s Certified Diversified® Warranty Program
  • Enables you to build a customized and streamlined investment menu for your plan members
  • Includes retirement date funds, asset allocation funds market-based funds, and guaranteed investments


  • Consists of a dedicated team of investment professionals to evaluate Manulife’s investments against strict standards and certifying them through regular reviews
  • Helps you meet your plan governance responsibilities by ensuring the funds in your Manulife group plan are among the best in the industry

Asset Allocation Funds

  • Offers hands-off investing with ready-made, actively managed portfolios for plan members who don’t want to choose and rebalance individual funds
  • Provides diversification across asset classes, investment styles, fund managers, and based on investor styles (Manulife Asset Allocation Funds)

Market-based Funds

  • Offers a hands-on approach for plan members who prefer to customize their retirement portfolio
  • Provides a diverse platform of more than 200 funds representing all major asset classes and directed by more than 40 retail and institutional fund managers

Guaranteed interest investments

Gives plan members a selection of guaranteed interest accounts with terms of one, three, four, five and 10 years

Retirement Date Funds

  • Offers a simple option for plan members who want one-decision investing based on their retirement date
  • Provides the expertise of professional fund managers who take care of fund selection, rebalancing and a gradual reduction of portfolio risk. Fund managers include: Manulife’s Portfolio Solutions Group, Franklin Templeton Investments, Fidelity Investments and BlackRock

Avenue Portfolios

  • Provides plan members with well-diversified, ready-made lifestyle portfolios that are based on both their investor profiles and time horizons
  • Offers easy investment selection, with services to help keep investments on track as plan members get closer to retirement

Choose your group retirement plan

Speak to your Manulife representative to discuss group retirement plan options to help meet your business needs.

Health and Financial Wellness Approach

See insights into the strong relationship between financial and personal wellness, and its impact on engagement and productivity.

Learn more

Learn about employee wellness and engagement at the workplace

11 considerations for choosing a group plan

What to consider when you’re choosing a group plan to meet the needs of your business and your employees.

Canada Revenue agency resources

Learn about the best practices for workplace savings plan governance, design, administration and education right here.

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Bring your work and your life into balance.