Amazon Prime membership

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Your exclusive Manulife Vitality offer

Enjoy a $99 Amazon gift code to pay for a one-year Prime membership (excluding taxes) or other purchases through the Manulife Vitality Plus Program when you reach Platinum Status and complete your Vitality Health Review (VHR) three years in a row.1

About Amazon Prime

Prime is a paid subscription program from Amazon. Prime members get FREE two-day shipping, access to movies and TV shows, music, Kindle books and unlimited photo storage.

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Amazon Prime benefits

With Prime you get tons of benefits.

Shopping benefits

Shopping is easier with Prime. What you need, right when you need it. Prime members get free One-Day and Two-Day Shipping, plus free Same-Day Delivery in thousands of cities.

Entertainment benefits

Award-winning movies and TV shows, endless music, best-selling books and popular games, all in one membership.

Music benefits

Stream over 2 million songs ad-free with Amazon Music.