Pharmacy saving search video
This video is a step-by-step process on how to use Pharmacy Saving Search in Manulife’s group benefits site for all Manulifecustomers.
On screen
Upbeat music plays in the background and Manulife logo appears on the screen.
On screen
The voiceover talent starts to speak. Then, the “Manulife Group Benefits Pharmacy Savings Search” text fades into thescene.
Welcome to the Manulife Group Benefits Pharmacy Savings Search.
On screen
The green background fades in, then a magnifying glass icon appears on the left side and slides across the scene. This is followed by a check icon and the text “Save money on prescriptions” fades in at the centre.
Let’s take a look at how this easy-to-use tool can help you save money on prescriptions.
On screen
The dark navy background fades in, followed by a laptop icon at the left side of the screen. A dotted line appears beside thelaptop icon then a tablet icon fades in at the centre, followed by another dotted line beside it. Lastly, a phone icon fades in at the right side of the scene.
After signing in to Group Benefits from your desktop, tablet, or smartphone…
On screen
A laptop slides in the centre of the screen displaying the user’s benefits homepage. On the homepage, the user will see seven buttons on the navigation bar: “Home”, “My benefits”, “Claims”, “Forms”, “Wellness centre”, “My profile” and “Contact us”. Then, a coral rectangle appears around the “My benefits” button.
After clicking “My benefits” button, the dropdown expands—the user will see eight options to choose from. The options are “Benefits enroller”, “My drug plan”, “Available balances”, “Coverage details”, “Pharmacy saving search”, “Other plan coverage, “Benefits booklet” and “View my benefits card”. A coral rectangle then appears around the “Pharmacy savings search” button and fades out right after.
…tap “My benefits” to expand the drop-down and select “Pharmacy savings search.”
On screen
The dark navy background fades out and changes to green. The laptop scales down to the right side of the screen and a new landing page appears.
In the new landing page, the user will see a step-by-step process. “Define Search”, the first step for Pharmacy saving search, is displayed. Under the search options, there are two drop down menus to choose from; these are “Low cost prescription drug(s)” and “Current address on file with Manulife”. A coral rectangle appears around the “Low-cost prescription drug(s)” dropdown menu while a coin icon and “Best price” fade in at the same time, then fade out after.
A new coral rectangle will appear around the “Current address on file with Manulife” dropdown menu while a path icon and text “5 Kilometres” fades in at the same time and fades out right after.
Then, define your search. For example, look for the best price for a prescription within five kilometres of your currentlocation.
On screen
The laptop scales up to the centre of the screen. A new landing page appears and displays a dialogue box. Thedialogue box shows a disclaimer saying: “Results produced are estimates and should be used for informational purposes only. Calculations are based on average prices submitted by pharmacies in their respective provinces over thepast 90 days. Therefore, cost results may not reflect the actual drug cost at the time and location of purchase. Cost results do not represent the actual amount that will be reimbursed under your plan if you submit a claim to Manulife.” Belowthe disclaimer, a “Continue” button is shown. A coral rectangle appears and selects the “Continue” button.
Then you’ll see a disclaimer about the price estimates, click continue.
On screen
The green background fades out and changes to dark navy. The laptop scales down to the right side of the screen and a new landing page appears.
In the new landing page, the user will see a step-by-step process. “Identify patient and drug”, the second step for Pharmacy saving search, is displayed. Under “search done in Ontario”, a dropdown menu for the “Select a patient” section appears. This dropdown menu displays as “Michael Seliga, 22 Mar 1964 Male Self”. A coral rectangle appears around the “Michael Seliga, 22 Mar 1964 Male Self” dropdown menu while the outpatient icon and the text “Patient” fade in at the same time, which eventually fades out after.
Next, under the “Enter the drug name or drug identification number (DIN) to complete a search section”, there’s a blank white box where you can enter the name of the drug in the “Enter drug name/drug identification number (DIN)” section. Acoral rectangle appears around the blank white box, then a prescription opened icon and a text “Prescription drug” fades in at the same time and fades out after.
Next, select the patient and enter the prescription drug you’re looking for. You’ll see different forms of the drug.
On screen
A new page, a check icon, and a text “Select dosage” fade in. The user will still see a step-by-step process in the new landingpage. “Manage your drug list”, the third step for Pharmacy saving search, is displayed. Under “Patient: Michael Seliga, 22-Mar-1964 Male Self”, where it also states the drug name that was entered, are two buttons below it. These are “Add another drug” and “Continue” buttons. A coral rectangle appears around the “Continue” button at the same time.
Choose the prescribed dosage you need and “Continue.”
On screen
The dark navy background fades out and changes to green. A new landing page displaying the drugs you can search for, acheck icon, and a text “Search for up to 5 drugs at once” appear on the screen.
You can search for up to five drugs at a time which is really useful if you’re taking several maintenance medications. But let’s continue with just one drug.
On screen
The laptop scales up to the centre of the screen while a new landing page displaying the search results fades in. Then, acoral touch icon appears and points out on the drug prices which fades out right after.
Here are your search results! You can see how much local pharmacies are charging for your medications.
On screen
The green background fades out and changes to dark navy. Then, the laptop scales down to the right side of the screen and a new landing page appears.
In the new landing page, the user will see a step-by-step process. “Pharmacy details” is displayed. The user will also see the name of the pharmacy, address, and a map. The location icon and the text “Address” fade in as a coral circle appears around the location icon on the map. The location icon and the text “Address” fade out after, while a car icon and text “Distance” fades in and fades out together with the coral circle. Then, the coin icon and the text “cost” fade in as a coral rectangle appears around the “Drug cost estimate” section of the landing page and fades out right after.
Next, the pharmacy delivery icon and the text “Compare prices” fade in and fade out right after. A disclaimer at the bottom of the screen appears and states “Users in Quebec will see the total price. The price breakdown or the average dispensing fee charged by the pharmacies will not appear.”
Lastly, the path icon and the text “Location” fade in, as well as a coral rectangle around the “Selected pharmacy: DRUGSTORE PHARMACY #4285 NO FRILLS DIVISION 25 PHOTOGRAPHY DRIVE TORONTO ONTARIO 1-416-763-1502” section of the landing page which fades out together after. The same happens with the coin icon and the text “Cost*” as they fade in with the coral rectangle around the “Drug cost estimate” section of the landing page which eventually fade out simultaneously. Lastly, like the previous scenes, the heart icon and the text “Coverage” fade in with the coral rectangle around the “Your coverage details” section of the landing page and the disclaimer “Users in Quebec will see the total price. The price breakdown or the average dispensing fee charged by the pharmacies will not appear.” fade out all together after.
Select a pharmacy to see details like the address, distance from your location, and cost. You can explore several pharmacies and compare their prices. The pharmacy details page shows you where the pharmacy is located and breaks down the average cost and coverage for each drug on your list.
On screen
The dark navy background fades out and changes to green while the laptop scales up to the centre of the screen. Then, acoral touch icon appears at the “Your coverage details” section of the landing page and fades out right after. The laptop exits by sliding to the left side of the screen.
Click on the link to see what your plan will pay and explore lower-cost alternatives that can save you even more money. You can also learn more about your coverage by clicking on Drug Coverage to find out how much your plan will pay and how much you will pay. The Pharmacy Saving Search is just one of the ways Manulife makes managing your benefits easy andsecure.
On screen
A phone slides up to the centre of the screen displaying the Manulife mobile app.
You can also access the Pharmacy Saving Search through the Manulife Mobile app. Just click on the Drug Plan tab and follow the steps.
On screen
The Manulife logo end slate fades in with the Company disclosure that states “The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (Manulife). Manulife, Manulife & Stylized M Design, and Stylized M Design are trademarks of the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it, and by its affiliates under license. © 2021 The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. Visit for more information. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. Visit for more information.”