Mental health issues through the decades: What you need to know

October 2023

At every stage of our lives, we face different mental health challenges—from depression and anxiety to burnout and stress. As we age, the mental health issues that we face change—life’s stressors, risks, and challenges shift and it is important to be aware of the different issues that may arise. 

Taking care of your mental well-being should be a priority whether you are in your 20s, 60s, or somewhere in between. It is never too soon or too late to start looking after your mental health. 

Mental health in your 20s

Just over 13% of Canadians between 20-29 years1 have said that their mental health is fair to poor. Research2 indicates that depression has a typical onset during the mid-20s, so it’s no surprise that over ⅛ of Canadians in their 20s experience depression. In 2022, a study conducted by Mental Health Research Canada3 found that 17% of those aged 20-29 reported feelings of depression.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)4 is a mental health issue characterized by worrying excessively and uncontrollably about day-to-day events and activities. During the pandemic, 13.6% of Canadians experienced GAD5, with women being more affected than men (17.2% versus 9.9%). Another study3 found that 26% of Canadians aged 20-29 reported experiencing anxiety during 2022. 

Schizophrenia6 and bipolar7 disorder are commonly present during your early 20s. Schizophrenia8 affects how a person thinks, feels, behaves, and relates to others, and is often characterized by delusions and hallucinations. Bipolar disorder9 is a medical condition that results in a person experiencing periods of depression and periods of elevated moods. 

Mental health in your 30s

Canadians in their 30s also struggle with depression and anxiety.

  • 19% of Canadians aged 35-39 and 17% of those aged 30-343 reported experiencing depression
  • 27% of Canadians aged 30-393 reported experiencing anxiety during 2022

From financial stress to work stress to family stress, Canadians in their 30s are no strangers to stress. Thirty-six percent of Canadians aged 35-3910 reported feeling like most days are stressful or extremely stressful. This stress often leads to burnout—51% of Canadians in their 30s said they don’t particularly enjoy what they do11

While postpartum depression and anxiety don’t exclusively affect women in their 30s, the average age of childbirth in Canada is 31.3 years old12. Twenty-three percent of new mothers13 in Canada reported feelings consistent with postpartum depression.

Mental health in your 40s

Canadians in their 40s battle a lot of the same mental health concerns as those in their 30s.

  • 19% of the Canadian population3 between 40 and 49 have reported experiencing depression
  • 27% of Canadians aged 40-493 reported experiencing anxiety during 2022 
  • 27.5% of Canadians aged 40-4914 perceived their life to be extremely stressful most days

One of the biggest issues that presents in your 40s is loneliness. One study15 looked at the levels of loneliness throughout the decades and they pinpointed a peak in the mid-40s. 

Mental health in your 50s

In your 50s, stress, depression, and anxiety still present as issues. 

  • 19% of Canadians aged 50-54 and 7% of Canadians aged 55-593 reported experiencing depression
  • 27% of Canadians aged 50-54 and 12% of Canadians ages 55-593 reported experiencing anxiety during 2022
  • 22% of Canadians14 aged 50-59 reported they experience extreme stress on most days

Menopause is a major mental—and physical—health concern for women in their 50s. The average age that women transition through menopause in Canada16 is 51.5 years and a lot of the symptoms can impact their mental health. The fluctuations and eventual loss of estrogen17 can have a negative impact on your mental well-being and can cause sleep disturbances17, cognitive decline18, and depressive symptoms17.

Mental health in your 60s

A lot of mental health issues in the 60+ crowd tend to go undiagnosed for several reasons:

  • They still feel there is a stigma19 surrounding mental illness
  • They are unlikely to complain20 about their mental health
  • They distrust psychological treatment options19
  • Their symptoms are mistaken as a “normal” part of the aging process 
  • Their lack of support systems21 means symptoms go unnoticed

In your 60s, stress, depression, and anxiety still present as issues. 

  • 7% of people 60 and older in Canada3 reported experiencing depression
  • 12% of Canadians over 603 reported experiencing feelings of anxiety
  • 22% of Canadians aged 60-64 and 10.6% of Canadians aged 65+14 reported they experienced extreme stress on most days

Signs of mental health issues to look out for

Mental health is something that should always be on your radar. And while we can do everything in our power to protect our good mental health, it is also important to know the warning signs of mental health disorders to be able to react—and get help—quickly. Some of the signs of mental health issues you can look for are:

  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Changes in mood including anger, sadness, or irritability 
  • Headaches
  • Unusual or out-of-character behaviour
  • Memory loss
  • Withdrawal from their usual routine
  • Increased dependence on drugs or alcohol
  • Sudden weight gain or loss
  • Hallucinations or delusions

If you have concerns about your mental well-being—or the mental well-being of someone you love—contact a doctor and ask for an evaluation. 

If you are in need of mental health support in Canada, these resources can help:

Kids Help Phone

Text Services: Text "CONNECT" to 686868 (also serving adults)

Chat Services:

Crisis Services Canada

Toll Free (24/7): 1 (833) 456-4566

Text support (4pm-12am ET daily): 45645

Canadian Crisis Hotline

1 (888) 353-2273

The LifeLine App

Individual circumstances may vary. Please always check with a medical professional to ensure these strategies are right for you.


Other resources you may be interested in:

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