Help protect your loved ones, your home and your savings with life and disability insurance for your mortgage

Mortgage life insurance
Help ease the financial strain on your loved ones with coverage that pays your mortgage if something happens to you.

Mortgage disability insurance
Focus on getting better, with coverage that makes your mortgage payments for you if you are disabled.
Why mortgage protection?
When it comes to the future, a lot of things are up in the air. That’s why it’s important to be as prepared as possible in case the unexpected happens. Mortgage protection insurance is worth looking into to help make sure you have the right coverage in place for you and your family. But don’t just take our word for it – check out what others are saying:
Anastasia M. | Manulife customer
When Anastasia and her husband bought their house, their mortgage broker introduced them to mortgage protection insurance, which they got, thinking that they wouldn’t need it. But when the unexpected happened, the family’s biggest bill was taken care of and helped Anastasia focus on her recovery.
Galori C. | Manulife customer
Galori’s cousin was a smart cookie – she knew the value of having insurance in place to help protect the people she loved. When she unexpectedly passed away from an illness, life changed for the rest of her family. Knowing they wouldn’t have to worry about paying off the mortgage brought some relief, and helped her family begin to move forward.
Cassandra C. | Mortgage broker
As a mortgage broker, Cassandra knows that she plays a critical role in educating her clients about their protection options. That’s why she always makes it a point to discuss mortgage protection insurance with her clients and how it can help if something really big happens.