
COVID-19 and your travel insurance

Information for customers who have purchased travel insurance through an advisor or have travel coverage as members of an association (e.g. alumni groups, professional organizations, retiree organizations, financial institutions, retailers).

On February 28, 2022, the Government of Canada lifted their blanket advisory to “Avoid Non-Essential Travel” that has been in effect since December 15, 2021.

What does this mean for fully vaccinated Manulife Travel Insurance Customers?

If you have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at least 14 days before the start of your trip, Manulife Travel Insurance policies that include Emergency Medical benefits will provide coverage for any unforeseen medical emergency related to COVID-19 in accordance with the terms and conditions of your policy. This applies to trips with a departure date on or after February 28, 2022.

Emergency Medical

Fully vaccinated customers will now be covered for COVID-19 and related expenses under Manulife Travel Insurance plans that include Emergency Medical Insurance benefits.

At this time, booster shots are not required to be considered fully vaccinated.

Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption

COVID-19 is still considered a known event in relation to Travel Advisory status changes, and a Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Insurance claim will not be paid if an individual cancels or interrupts their trip for a reason related to COVID-19, except for one of the three events mentioned below.

  1. Your sickness (accompanied by a medical certificate) due to contracting COVID-19 that prevents you from travelling as planned.
  2. A positive COVID-19 test result (accompanied by a medical certificate) within 72 hours before your departure from home which prevents you from travelling as planned.
  3. Your job loss as a result of the pandemic impact at your place of employment.

Quarantine Coverage

If required to quarantine, the following benefits are available under most Manulife Travel Insurance plans that include Emergency Medical coverage:

  • Extra expenses for meals, accommodation, telephone calls and taxi fares
  • Expenses to bring you home

What does this mean if I am not fully vaccinated?

If you have not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at least 14 days before the start of your trip, the Travel Advisory to “Avoid Non-Essential Travel” remains in effect.

Tips and contacts

As the volume of travel assistance requests has significantly increased, we encourage you to submit your Manulife travel insurance claim on our online portal or our TravelAid mobile app.

If you have further questions, please talk to your travel supplier, visit our FAQ and select the “travel” topic, or check out the helpful links below, or call 1-800-268-3763.

Information for customers who have emergency travel assistance and/or trip cancellation benefits through their employer’s group plan.

If you have questions about your coverage call Global Excel Management at 1-800-265-9977 in Canada or the U.S; see your benefits card for phone numbers in other countries.