Defined contribution registered pension plan (DC RPP)

A structured option to help plan members save for retirement

You want to give your plan members the opportunity to invest for the future and save–and you want to do this while managing business expenses. A defined contribution registered pension plan (DC RPP) allows you to do both, while requiring minimum employer contributions.

Plan details

What does a DC RPP offer?

  • Tax deductible contributions
  • Plan sponsor and plan member contributions and investment earnings accumulate tax-deferred  until they are withdrawn, subject to federal and provincial legislation
  • Retirement income based on contributions and investment earnings
  • Assets are generally locked-in  and must be used to provide retirement income—a key consideration when deciding whether to choose a registered pension plan (RPP) or a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP).


Our complete, integrated and affordable DC RPP solution:

  • Helps plan members grow their savings, often with lower investment management fees
  • Offers plan members options no matter what their investment knowledge or interest level—from simple to customized solutions

Choose your group retirement plan

Speak to your Manulife representative to discuss group retirement plan options to help meet your business needs.

Health and Financial Wellness Approach

See insights into the strong relationship between financial and personal wellness, and its impact on engagement and productivity.

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11 considerations for choosing a group plan

What to consider when you’re choosing a group plan to meet the needs of your business and your employees.


Financial wellness & retirement readiness

Holistic retirement readiness involves health and financial wellness.


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Read on the 4 key ingredients group plans can offer to help employees feel more confident as they near retirement.