The Wellness Report

Total wellness check of your organization at no cost!

Coming soon

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A 30-minute survey…

To help check in on your employees’ health and wellness.

Provides insight on an organization's total wellness.

Measures mental, financial, and physical health.

Gauges engagement and productivity.

Why you should participate?

The Wellness Report benefits the organization and its employees

  • It's a full organizational assessment that looks at existing workplace wellness measures and their effectiveness.
  • It can give a comprehensive overview of the total health of an organization in a detailed but easy to read Organizational Health Report. We need a minimum of 25 participants to produce a report for privacy and confidentiality reasons.
  • It offers incentives, provided by Manulife, to help increase employee participation and give them instant and meaningful results through their Personal Health Report.
  • Not only will you get a real understanding of the impact your employees' overall health and wellness is having on your business productivity and engagement, you'll also be able to year-over-year and benchmark against other participating organizations in Canada.


The Wellness Reports

The Wellness Report in 2023

Sponsors who have prioritized employees’ health and wellness are starting to see a return on their efforts.

The Wellness Report in 2022

Three years of data from The Wellness Report shows the impact of health on productivity keeps increasing every year.

The Wellness Report in 2021

Two years into the pandemic, employees continue to struggle taking care of themselves. Learn more about the state of employee and organizational health.

The Wellness Report in 2020

In 2020, 70 Manulife groups sponsors participated to The Wellness Report and 7251 employees responded to the online surveys.

Frequently asked questions

The Wellness Report (TWR) is a comprehensive workplace wellness assessment tool that collects information from employees from a 30-minute online survey.  It measures their physical, psychological and financial wellness, as well as their engagement and productivity. It also assesses workplace culture and wellness initiatives.

The results can provide a comprehensive overview of your organizational health and wellness in a detailed but easy to read report*. You'll be able to explore insights about your organization and plan the next best steps to take to improve your workplace.

If you do the survey once a year, you'll be able to measure your progress and see how the changes you've implemented are influencing your employees and organization's health and wellness.

The Wellness Report is available 3 times per year: in winter (February), spring (May) and fall (October). When you register, you can choose the period that works best for your organization.

The first step is to register your organization. Once registered, you'll get access to the Toolkit Centre, where you'll find online advice and tools to help successfully launch and promote the survey to your employees. We recommend you to sign up between 1 to 3 months before the survey period so that you can prepare your internal campaign and get ready to launch. Registration closes 3 weeks before the survey period starts.

Before the survey period starts, you'll receive a survey link that is specific to your organization. You are responsible to initiate the campaign within your organization and share the survey link with your employees. Employees will be able to take the survey starting on the first day of the survey month, and the survey closes on the last day of the month.  Upon completion, employees immediately receive their Personal Health Report, which includes their Vitality Age (Vitality Age is an individualized health score) and feedback about their physical, mental and financial health.

During the survey period, you will receive updates on employee participation statistics and tips for increasing participation.

Any company that has a group benefits OR group retirement product with Manulife can sign up for The Wellness Report.

There are no restrictions on how big or small an organization needs to be to participate in the survey experience. Although, organizations will receive a report when a minimum of 25 participants have completed the survey. This helps preserve employee privacy and confidentiality.

Employees can participate as long as they are 18 years of age or older. They don't need to be a member of a Manulife plan. Employees that have opted out of Manulife plans or who are not eligible because of their employment status (part-time, contract) can do the survey too.

Personal Health Reports are produced for each employee no matter what the overall participation levels are.

The Organizational Health Report can give you a comprehensive picture of how healthy your organization is based on the survey responses. The report is about 60 pages long. It's divided in different sections based on the types of information which makes it easy to follow:

  • Participation rates
  • An executive dashboard
  • 1 – 3 pages per subject complete with visuals and graphics, highlighted results, and short paragraphs of educational content to help you understand and interpret results
  • A calculation of your organization's productivity loss
  • Benchmarks against similar sectors, the top 3 participating organizations, and your previous year's results (if applicable)
  • Results for any divisions you specified when registering your organization for the survey (maximum 6 reporting divisions). Any divisional results are only available in the report if at least 25 employees have participated in that division.
  • A breakdown of the participant's demographic information
  • Definitions and references

Manulife takes data management responsibilities very seriously. The companies we work with in producing The Wellness Report must adhere to strict data handling policies to keep information private.

We've collaborated with Phase 5, a market research and survey provider company based in Canada who runs the survey and collects the data. They collect personally identifiable information (PII), such as email addresses. It's used to send employees their personal survey links. All PII is stored in Canada.

Manulife receives de-personalized data from Phase 5. It has no identifiable data elements*, so it's not possible to know which employees participated and which did not or to tell which participant answered what questions.

*The only exception is when organizations specifically asked Manulife to run Health Care Spending Account rewards for those who participate. Employees will need to accept the additional consent.

We will analyze the total aggregated results for all organizations who have participated. It will be statistical information, without any specific employer or employee information. We expect to gain valuable insights about Canadian workplaces, especially the connections between employee health and organizational wellness. We'll use the results to improve our customer's experiences, work on new products and enhancements to current ones.

You will receive your Organizational Health Report in aggregate format if at least 25 employees have participated. It will never be possible for you to know which employees participated and which did not. Any divisional results are only available in the report if at least 25 employees have participated in that division.

Only data that has been devoid of any personally identifiable information or organizational identifiers, is also sent to the RAND Europe and The Vitality Group™.  Each of these companies cannot tell which Canadian organizations participated in the survey because company names are replaced by code numbers. The Vitality Group is a world leader in health and wellness. They bring a global perspective to health and wellness, through successful partnerships around the world. RAND Europe is a not-for-profit research organization with an expertise in workplace wellness.  They are responsible for the sponsor's Organizational Health Report.

Employees must agree to the survey terms and conditions if they do wish to participate in the survey.  The terms and conditions describe how the data is collected, manipulated and stored.

Winter survey (February 2024): Register by January 5, 2024
