Considering an OCIO for your DB plan?

If you have a Defined Benefit plan as part of your group retirement program, you may be looking at the outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) model. But how do you navigate the many variations of OCIO services available to find what’s right for your plan?

In The OCIO checklist manifesto, Eric Menzer, Global Head of Pension and Fiduciary Solutions at Manulife Investment Management, offers six key considerations in selecting an Outsourced CIO partner:

  1. Asset allocation credentials are essential
  2. Multimanager diversification requires robust manager research
  3. Private-market assets can pair well with long-duration obligations
  4. Liability-driven investing is indispensable for pension risk management
  5. Administrative acumen is central to comprehensive plan management
  6. OCIO search consultants can help if you get stuck

Download your copy of The OCIO checklist manifesto below. And if you have any questions about the OCIO model, contact your Manulife representative or visit