Electronic claims for denturists & independent dental hygienists

November 01, 2021

For business owners, plan administrators, and sponsors

We are pleased to announce that we’ve introduced electronic claims for denturists and independent dental hygienists. This technology – otherwise known as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) – already allows dentists to submit member claims directly to Manulife after an appointment. Now this technology is available for these other important dental service providers!

This is great news for both members and providers:

  • Enhancing the claims experience: This is another way we can make things easier for the member and provider by replacing a typically paper-based system with digital technology. It’s easy, fast, and secure for the provider and no work for the member.
  • Supporting more healthcare providers: Extending this technology to denturists and independent dental hygienists means we can better support these essential healthcare providers.
  • Optimizing digital experiences: This is another example of how we are promoting digital experiences to improve processes for members and healthcare providers and better support health journeys.

By introducing electronic claims for these providers, we aim to improve the member claims experience and offer a more efficient relationship with denturists and independent dental hygienists. It’s another way we can better support members by introducing more digital experiences.